Tuesday, July 2, 2024

The Top Features to Look for in a Solar House Generator

Since the start of the 21st century, we’ve seen an increase in weather-related power outages, particularly multi-day blackouts. It seems that our power grid can’t always handle the storms that come our way.

Having a generator can not only keep the lights on but also power your HVAC to combat extreme temperatures. Still, many homeowners avoid generators because of potential emissions.

With a solar house generator, you can enjoy your backup power source without the negative impact. Read on to learn the top features to look for in solar generators for your house.

High Solar Input

Solar input refers to the maximum amount of solar energy your solar panels can absorb at once. The higher the solar input, the faster your solar generator’s battery will charge. Ideally, you want a solar power generator with 1000w or higher.

Some solar generators have multiple charging options, allowing you to charge the battery using electrical outlets. This versatility helps in a pinch but may not appeal to homeowners looking for 100% clean energy sources.

Reliable Power Output

Power output refers to the amount of energy your solar generator can provide when powering your home. To assess your power output needs, you’ll need to determine your home energy usage.

Some homeowners opt to use generators for a limited number of essential functions, such as powering their HVAC system and select appliances. Even so, they should look for a power output that exceeds their needs. Running a solar generator at max capacity can cause overheating and faster degradation.

Quality Construction and Installation

Budget is often one of the biggest concerns for homeowners looking for solar generators. However, you should consider long-term expenses in addition to upfront costs. The cheapest options on the market may not have quality construction, leading to higher maintenance costs and a shorter lifespan.

Companies like Semper Solaris offer the latest solar technology and reliable installation services. They also offer warranties that can protect your investment. Even high-quality solar generators may need maintenance and replacement parts over time, and it’s useful to partner with a company that can fulfill all of those needs.

Personal Must-Have Features

You should also consider personal must-haves. For example, some homeowners prefer smart features like:

  • Apps for remote monitoring
  • LCD displays showing remaining battery life
  • WiFi connectivity

If your property doesn’t get consistent sunlight in one place, you may also want a portable design. This will allow you to move the generator throughout the day to maximize direct sunlight and solar input.

Weather the Storm with a Solar House Generator

As power outages become a mainstay in many homes across the country, it’s time to start looking for alternative solutions. Use this guide to find the solar house generator that meets your energy needs and your preferences so you can weather the storm.

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