Weary of Pursuing a Career in Music? Iman Bashir Debunks 3 Myths that may be Holding You Back

Iman Bashir

Every soul even remotely interested in music has often dreamed of playing to packed auditoriums, having a fan following of millions, and creating a life based on doing well in the niche they love with all their hearts. 

Iman Bashir has to her credit the founding of two immensely successful organizations – Craftly.AI and the Women in Leadership Club. Spearheading out-of-the-box ideas, breaking traditional molds, and blowing away longstanding misconceptions come naturally to her. 

And Iman knows well that the music industry has its share of misconceptions too. Here, the AI lover helps us dismantle some of them. 

A Career in Music on Talent Alone

“There is no career without talent. This I can vouch for. But to say that a musician’s career can take off solely based on talent is a bit too naive,” says Iman Bashir, spelling out why talent can never go the distance with the proper backup of other channels. As the winner of the Women in Content Marketing Awards, Iman Bashir knows how effective content and different marketing verticals can be in driving the career of a budding musician. 

The Music Industry Does Not Welcome Outsiders 

While this may have been true in certain music marketing circles in the past, today, anyone who has the talent and follows the right entrepreneurial and marketing strategies can enter the music industry and make it big. “Ask Justin Bieber! Today a music millionaire, Bieber never had great music connections to boast of when he kickstarted his dreams on YouTube. But he worked hard at marketing his music and himself, and soon enough, he grew to be an integral part of the music scene,” points out Iman. Especially with the influence of social media, where even Instagrammers and YouTubers become influential stars in the mainstream, the music industry has opened its doors to outsiders more than ever before. 

A Music Career Isn’t That Awesome Anymore 

“Ask any newcomer in the industry who has even been fairly successful, and the artist will stand testimony to just how awesome the music industry is,” says Iman Bashir. “You don’t even need to bother about competition. If you have the talent and the entrepreneurial mindset to back it up, there’s plenty of space in the industry.” With millions of music lovers latching on to songs from new artists to the industry exploring new frontiers such as online audiences and NFTs, the music industry is only just exploring several new avenues to more awesomeness.

As a pioneer in her niche, Iman Bashir knows how important it is to dismantle misconceptions and break long-standing barriers to change the way people think and evolve. With these insights on some of the most popular misconceptions in the music industry, Iman has lit up the path for budding music aficionados. 


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