Snazzy Phade From Small Town To Worldwide

Snazzy Phade is a rising star from the small town of Manteca, California. Snazzy Phade’s love for music started at an early age when he and a small group of friends came together to start making music in their hometown. Growing up playing a range of different sports, his natural competitiveness played a major factor in fueling his drive to be the best. Later in life he would prove to be just that when he graduated top of his class from the SAE Institute having the highest overall GPA in his graduating class.

Snazzy Phade is no stranger to struggle. Prior to his current residency in Los Angeles, California, Snazzy experienced a short period of homelessness having to live in his car. This period never kept him down, instead, he used that experience to pull himself up. He found himself work and eventually got himself established in the city. Outside of his full-time day job Snazzy Phade makes it a priority to put his extra time into making music relatable to his fanbase and future listeners.

Snazzy Phade is currently working on his debut album (title TBD). Snazzy is taking his time on this project, testing different sounds and finding his own lane. Until the release of his much anticipated debut album make sure to check out his previous body of work on Spotify and stay connected with Snazzy through his Instagram for updates regarding future project release dates.


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