Fatima Reedy Does It for Her Fans

Fatima Reedy has been making music and acting since the moment she could speak. Being an artist and creator is something that has always come naturally to her, and it’s been her compass throughout her life. After studying fine arts in college, Fatima decided that she wanted music to become a focal point in her life. She made a big move from a small town in Utah to Los Angeles to pursue her dreams, inspire others, and fulfill her passion.

The specific moment Fatima knew she was truly ready was when she was working on a movie as an actress and the sound engineer asked her if she made music. He told her that he could hear the rhythm in her voice and urged her to consider recording her own songs. This was just the push she needed to get out there and do it and from then on, she has been working ever so hard in the studio.

Ms. Reedy is very passionate about music and the intention behind words, and she wants her listeners to be too. When making music she truly keeps the listeners in mind. Every song she makes and the words she sings is designed for the listeners to taste a sense of freedom and feel relief when listening. Fatima truly hopes that she can inspire remembrance that life is a gift. She carries this message through her new song “Turn Back Time” which is coming this winter. This song challenges the listener to think of time as something in your own control and that wishing for more time only wastes the time you have already been given. Reedy explains it as, “Smooth, relaxed, with the right amount of soul – something you could play while stargazing or smoking a joint by a bonfire with your soul tribe.”

Check out Fatima Reedy on all platforms for this and more.

Follow Fatima Reedy on Spotify here.

Follow Fatima Reedy on Instagram here.


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