A Few Questions With Sarah Herrera of The Tommy Lasorda Experience — And What Exactly Is Her Jam?

Sarah Herrera isn’t just a musician — she’s a walking hurricane of satire, chaos, and creativity. As the alpha force behind The Tommy Lasorda Experience, she’s taken her distinct vision and cranked it up to 11 with a new solo project that blurs the line between performance art and rock ’n’ roll rebellion. We caught up with Sarah for an unfiltered look into her new album, her process (or anti-process), a pool hall breakdown in Jersey, and the most unhinged “tour” itinerary in recent memory.

New Album Alert: “Me Me Me Me More More More Mine Mine Mine”

Yes, that’s the actual title — and it suits her just fine. “It’s basically the same lineup as The Tommy Lasorda Experience,” Sarah says, “but it’s my solo record. I’m the alpha female, I write all the music and lyrics.” Distributed by Insurrectionary Records NYC, the album is set to hit streaming platforms any day now.

Though she jokes about channeling her inner Gene Simmons, there’s no mistaking who’s in charge. With Jimmy and Miguel on board as bandmates (or, as she half-jokes, “hired help”), this project marks a full-on manifesto from Herrera herself.

What’s It About, Though?

Let’s start with the inspiration: a writing session born from outer space levels of intoxication. “The only rule was that every single sentence had to have one of six words or phrases: stealing, lawyer, taxes, homosexual, politician, or drink and drive,” she says. Twenty pages of madness later — now dubbed The Ungodly Document — became the spiritual backbone of the album.

“I’ve cannibalized parts of it for three songs already,” she adds, referencing tracks like “What’s Yours Is Mine,” “A Collect Call From Nowhere,” and the unforgettable “I Like To Drink And Drive Because I Want To Be A Giant Pinball Going Down The Road.”

One standout lyric? “I am a politician and me me me me more more more mine mine mine.” Classic Herrera. Written in her own handwriting. Allegedly.

The Concept: Cinema, Substances, and Sound

Tired of traditional lyric writing and fueled by three days of amphetamines, coke, and benzos, Sarah binged her ten favorite films and shows. “Every time I heard a line I loved, I’d hit pause, find my notebook under the empty liquor bottles and beer cans, and write it down.”

She later molded these cinematic fragments into a full-blown concept album, arranging them into songs, adding structure, music, and her own twist. The album was recorded in a Queens studio under what she ambiguously describes as a series of “favors.”

Tracklist Highlights

With titles that feel equal parts fever dream and late-night TV marathon, the tracklist reads like a surreal pop culture time capsule:

  1. Lick My Love Pump

  2. Mark It Zero

  3. How Would You Like One Cross Yo Lip?

  4. No More Half Measures

  5. Shooting The Devil In The Back

  6. The Conversation Made More Sense This Time

  7. Welcome To Emerald City

  8. That’s Wood

  9. You Should Not Drink And Bake

  10. Mah Brotha!

  11. I Can Drink And Drive Because It Is My Right To Express Myself (instrumental)

Yep, you read that right.

The Origin of “This Is My Jam!”

Sarah’s storytelling chops shine best when unfiltered. One standout moment turned into a song — and a meme among her bandmates. A 9-ball tournament night out in a rough part of Jersey turned legendary when someone innocently said, “This is my jam!” while cheesy salsa music played in the background.

“I laughed so hard I nearly banged my head on the rail,” she recalls. The phrase still gets exchanged in texts among her crew — and has since been immortalized as a track.

The “Tour” — A Comedy of Errors (and Possibly a Lawsuit)

According to their manager — who Sarah insists “has something seriously wrong with him” — they are officially booked for a tour that is nothing short of performance art gone rogue.

Stops include:

  • A show outside her actual Bronx apartment

  • The Meadowlands Arena Men’s Room

  • A swinger’s meetup in Queens

  • Billar de Morristown (of course)

  • Multiple cemeteries, gun shops, and sex shops

  • A Pentecostal Church and the Bronx House of Detention

  • A European leg with stops at a Holocaust Museum in Poland and the fictional Clockwork Orange milk bar

“And then we’re back to play The Shady Rest Funeral Home in the Bronx the next day,” she deadpans. “This is what I have to deal with.”

Fortunately, all shows are listed as free — because none of them are actually happening.

Final Words?

Sarah Herrera leaves no room for ordinary. Whether it’s a solo project, a joke-turned-jam, or a tour itinerary that borders on parody, she continues to blur the lines between punk performance, dark comedy, and raw musicianship.

Her jam? Turns out, it’s everything that’s wild, weird, and way too real.

Follow Sarah Herrera and The Tommy Lasorda Experience via Insurrectionary Records NYC and keep an eye out for “Me Me Me Me More More More Mine Mine Mine” on streaming services soon.