Crazy1oftheday is creating his own lane in music

Crazy1oftheday, a hip hop artist out of the southwest side of Chicago, transforms a challenging environment and trying times into something he loves—music. Bettering himself and his passion comes naturally to this young artist who started creating his own music and lyrics at the early age of 8. Using it as an outlet to express his pain, he chose to pursue it full time and started releasing singles. Claiming his seat at the table, Crazy1oftheday started gaining loyal fans from the jump. Reflecting heavily on personal experiences while cooking up in the studio, he lets his internal narrative drive him but also knows the power in feeling the knock of a beat. If it’s something he can feel in his soul down to his toes, he is quick to jump on it and create a vibe or mood for his following to bop along with him.  

Inspired by artists and entrepreneurs such as Kanye West, Jay Z, and Drake—Crazy1oftheday refuses to be put in a box. Hoping to always catch listeners off guards, he experiments with different genres and pushes himself stylistically into new territory. While he took some time off from music, he is back on the scene with renewed energy and inspiration. Currently, he is carving out his debut album which will be released in the near future. 


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