Wednesday, July 3, 2024

The Magic of Filmmaking: Matthew DeRose’s Love for the Industry

Matthew can you tell us about your experience working on “The Hail Mary” and “Mr. Blue Shirt: The Inspiration“? What challenges did you face and how did you overcome them?  

I had great experiences on both films. It was fun getting to know other actors and crew members as well. I think the biggest challenge I faced on “The Hail Mary” was it was my first film production ever and I had no idea what I was doing. Luckily on “The Hail Mary” I was able to work with people like writer, Director, and actor Daniel Roebuck who knew what they were doing and was very kind. The film “Mr. Blue Shirt: The Inspiration” was an entirely different experience than my first time working on “The Hail Mary“. I had no script, and I improved all my lines in “Mr. Blue Shirt: The Inspiration”. It was an opportunity that helped me get more confident in myself.

How do you prepare for a new role? Can you walk us through your process and the steps you take to fully embody a character?

Every time I prepare for a new role, I go by the six-step process that my acting coach Chelly introduced me to. First, I read the material once, pinpoint the character’s objective, emotions, feel the emotions that come up while listening to the other characters in the scene, look for Twist and Moments in the writing or script, and then memorize the material so I am prepared to film.

What role or project has been the most challenging for you so far, and why?

I think the most challenging project that I have been a part of so far was “Mr. Blue Shirt: The Inspiration”. There was no rehearsal process, and I was not told much about the character beforehand. It was a good learning experience though to know to always be prepared no matter what every time you go on a film set.

How do you approach improvisation in your acting? Can you share a memorable experience where your improvisation skills were put to the test? 

I remember being on the set of “Mr. Blue Shirt: The Inspiration” and having that nervous and exciting feeling in my stomach, realizing there was no script, and it was up to me to come up with the dialogue on the spot, which was very different from memorizing a script and trying to remember the lines.

What do you enjoy most about working in the film industry? Are there any specific aspects or moments that stand out to you?

I have always loved filmmaking. I think what I enjoy most about filmmaking is watching the process and seeing how the production comes together in the end. There are a lot of elements in pre, and post productions that actors are not involved in. It’s very cool to see everyone’s creativity come together.

Tell us about your experience working on the commercial for F&M Trust’s “Round Down.” How did you showcase your versatility and connect with the audience in that project?

It was a great experience. I did the six steps process my acting coach Chelly taught me to prepare for the interview, submitted my self-tape, got a call back, booked the job, and shot it three weeks later. My co-star Crystal Day was very helpful and knowledgeable with being in front of the camera. I am very grateful for all the wonderful tips I was able to learn from Crystal the day of filming. I was amazed at how fast and professional the commercial crew were as well. My call time was 8 AM and I was done by 11:30am. What a great day’s work!

Who are some of your biggest influences in the acting world? How have they shaped your craft and career?

Some of my biggest influences in the acting world are Adam Sandler and an actor named Blake Burgess. I think Adam Sandler is hilarious and I would love to make people laugh in movies like he does. Blake Burgess is great as well and I’ve met him. I was working breakfast at a local restaurant called Loxley’s. I was able to start a conversation with Blake while he was eating breakfast. I knew he was in a show at the dinner theater next door, and I thought to ask if works in film and tv. He told me he did. He said he was in films like Woodlawn, Paterno, and Boy Erased. I was blown away by that and how kind he was to talk to me and encourage me to try acting. I thought it was awesome. Blake inspired me to want to try acting and go after it.

What kind of training and workshops do you regularly participate in to enhance your acting skills? How do these experiences contribute to your growth as an actor?

I meet privately with acting coach Chelly at ActingMadeEasy every week and I also do group classes every week with acting coach Bryan Fox through Actor’s Lab. I think the combination of private and group classes accelerates my progress as an actor. I have learned not to be scared and just take risks from Chelly. I am also learning to slow down, relax, and let my character come through from Bryan Fox.

Can you share a specific moment or lesson from your training with Brandon Talley, Chelly, Bryan Fox that has had a significant impact on your career?

Once I was taught the six-step process for character development by Chelly, I felt like I had a framework in which to look at the script and that is what helped me book the commercial for F&M Trust. For me having this process gave me a guild to quickly look at a scene and build my character choices for an audition.

Aside from acting, you have mentioned enjoying golfing, playing football, bike riding, and swimming. How do these activities influence your approach to acting? Do they provide any unique insights or inspiration?

Playing golf has helped me a lot when it comes to acting. When you are golfing, you must stay relaxed, you can’t hold your grip too tight because you will hit a bad shot. You need to have a loose grip. For me I think the same is true about acting. You shouldn’t be holding on so tightly when portraying a character, you need to breathe and be reactive to what’s happening in the scene while staying in character.

Matthew how do you balance your artistic pursuits with other aspects of your life? What strategies do you use to maintain focus and dedication to your craft?

The strategies I use to balance acting and other aspects of my life are using a calendar to schedule my priorities as well as my passions, so I make time for both. I also have a to-do list. I wake up every morning with a realistic to-do list so that I can be successful and get each thing done throughout the day.

Are there any specific genres or types of roles that you are particularly interested in exploring in the future? What attracts you to those types of characters?

I love comedy. Making people smile and laugh is always a plus in my eyes! I like to add my humor and as much of myself in every character that I bring to life off the page. That is why I would love to work on a TV sitcom someday.

What do you consider to be your biggest strengths as an actor? How do you leverage those strengths to enhance your performances?

I think my biggest strengths as an actor are that I come off very likable, people seem to trust me and find me fun to watch. I seem to be very castable as a good guy, or lovable loser. This is great for my aspirations to go into comedy.

Can you share any upcoming projects or goals that you are excited about? What can we expect to see from you in the near future?

You can see me in the upcoming film “The Hail Mary“! It’s going to be in theaters this fall 2024. I am very excited and proud to see this film because it was written and directed by the lead actor Daniel Roebuck. The whole production was filmed locally in Lehigh Valley with most of the cast and crew being locals to the area. My long-term goal right now is to keep getting better at the craft, with every acting opportunity that comes my way. My short-term goals are to find the right Film and TV agent to represent me and also to build my team of business and creative collaborators.

In what ways are you looking to expand your horizons as an actor? Are there any specific challenges or opportunities that you are eager to take on?

I think as actors we can only expand the horizons within our characters by expanding the horizons in our own lives and experiencing new opportunities and overcoming challenges. I like to keep setting new goals for myself whether with business ideas or improving my golf game for fun. I like to keep pushing myself to be the best version of me, by stepping outside my comfort zone and believing I can do it!

Matthew DeRose is currently represented by GTK PR Agency, LLC in Los Angeles for all his public relations needs. Stay updated on Matthew’s upcoming filming projects by following him on social media through the links below.





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