Who Is Steven Van? Changing Lives One Picture At A Time

Where are you from?

I’m from San Diego California.

Who inspires your work?

God and nature.

What celebrities have purchased from work you?

The biggest client commission I’ve received was with Coca-Cola.

What gets your creative juices flowing?

Music. I love it all. I mostly play classical music all day long.

Who would you like to to see purchase your work?


Tell me about Steve Van……

Steven Van, b. 1986

Lives and works in Atlanta Georgia


The fine lines between the reverie and the tangible, a rooted fascination with the visual luxuries of ancient Suessian and a commanding hunger to explore the native abstract charm within the disciplines of the real and unreal cultures are all at work for now Georgia-based artist Steven Van.  His meticulous draftsmanship and articulation in executing hallucinatory perspective and line contribute to the timeless quality of his visual discourse.  Sometimes occupying in surreal surroundings, sometimes poised in a soundless lagoon of negative space, his abstract compositions dictate a distinctive presence wakening the royal breeze of a new Renaissance-era.  These finely created works communicate a sacred, time-honored juncture.  Devoted to authentic, creative intuition and infusing a native, urban taste into his work, Van’s work is grounded in a diverse range of foundations from Renaissance painting, Abstract Surrealism landscapes married with contemporary graffiti and platinum age colors.

Steven Van was born in Fallbrook CA in 1986. For the last 19 years, Van’s work has been exhibited at commercial, private collections, galleries and museums around the world.  Van has worked with national brands such as Coca Cola and Ford. Van lives and works in Atlanta Georgia.


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