A Relentless Worker, Smokey Wild Can’t Be Stopped

Smokey WIld

As a young kid growing up in Compton, California, Smokey Wild was preceded by many of the greatest artists in music history. However, the challenges of growing up there that hindered the artist before him also held him back. With that being said, Smokey Wild has cleared those hurdles and is on his way to the moon. He’s not planning on stopping anytime soon either, he’s as driven as anyone has ever been to get to the top of the rap game.

Smokey Wild is on go mode from the moment he wakes up every morning. He heads to the gym for a workout after he wakes up, then takes phone calls and does conference calls when he returns home. He’s always checking in on his business and the people around him, making sure everything is running smoothly throughout each day. Regarding his music, Smokey Wild alluded to his past as his greatest inspiration. His past gives him plenty of fuel and he wants to get right in the studio and record when it gets brought up. He says his hardest track to write was “Give It Up”, which highlights a trip to jail for him, his girlfriend being unfaithful, and how he found everything out.

Smokey Wild is authentic. He says the hardest thing about being an artist is keeping true to yourself and not wavering from your identity. Smokey also says a huge challenge of being an artist is being able to smell out the fake things, people, and promises. As a result of seeing some other people he knew getting scammed, Smokey took a hands-on approach to his career and has taken off since doing so.

Check him out on Instagram and Spotify


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