Understanding the Link Between Obesity and Mental Health: MD Exam’s Approach

“Obesity is the single biggest cause of the US’s current mental health crisis,” Sergio Padron, founder and CEO of MD Exam says. “The good news is that obesity is a treatable disease.”

MD Exam’s mission is to help people lose weight in a healthy, sustainable way with personalized help from medical professionals. The telemedicine company connects patients to a team of physicians who oversee and provide guidance during their weight-loss journey. Every step of the process is customized to their own individual needs and backed up with scientific research.

In addition to counseling, MD Exam provides patients with access to state-of-the-art weight-loss medications that have been proven to be effective. “We’re taking on the obesity epidemic one person at a time,” Padron explains.

The effect of obesity on mental health

Obesity is a chronic disease and can affect every aspect of your life, including mental health. Being overweight or obese puts you at risk for depression, anxiety, panic attacks, and other mood disorders. Weight problems can even worsen addiction or substance abuse issues.

“The negative consequences of obesity go far beyond the physical risks like diabetes, cardiovascular disease, sleep apnea, elevated inflammation, and immune system problems,” Padron says. “I call obesity ‘wearable depression’ because it’s one of the most common problems people with obesity experience.”

Indeed, according to the National Council on Aging, obese people have a 55 percent higher risk of becoming depressed than their peers. Moreover, psychological challenges like these can lead to weight gain. Since obesity and depression each cause the other, this suggests the possibility of a degenerative spiral.

“We ask all patients that come through our platform how they feel, and 99 percent do not feel good about how they look or feel, physically or mentally,” Padron says.

Why obesity is linked to poor mental health

According to Padron, there are many possible reasons for this connection between excessive weight and mental health problems. “Unfortunately, there’s still a lot of bias against people with obesity in our society. Consequently, it’s not uncommon for overweight people to have poor body image. They may suffer from feelings of embarrassment and fear that others will judge them negatively.”

In addition, research has suggested that poverty and childhood trauma predispose people to both obesity and depression. Other social or environmental factors could also contribute. Researchers have found that genetics plays little role, however.

“Traditionally, patients have faced barriers in accessing quality medical care for weight loss,” Padron notes. “Some people avoid seeking out help because of the bias they’ve encountered in their lives, while others find themselves being put on medications for their mental health that actually cause weight gain. Many have trouble getting motivated to change their lifestyle.”

That’s one of the reasons Padron created MD Exam. “I wanted to create a safe, affordable place where people can access caring support from the most knowledgeable, credentialed professionals in this field,” he explains. “MD Exam gives them the fundamental tools they need to get inspired, change their lives, and start seeing results as soon as possible.”

MD Exam promotes long-lasting weight loss

MD Exam isn’t just a weight-loss program — it’s the doorway to a new, better way of life. In addition to providing medication tailored to individuals’ needs, the program helps people change their habits and lifestyle. In this way, it focuses on long-term, progressive weight loss.

“When you join MD Exam, you get a team that’s just as committed to your future as you are,” Padron says. “No one should ever expect you to lose weight on your own. With MD Exam, you don’t have to.”

MD Exam’s two-pronged approach makes it more effective than other weight-loss programs. “Other telemedicine providers don’t provide proven weight-loss medications alongside their medical care as we do,” Padron says. “Both Semaglutide and Tirzepatide are real-life game changers. With us, there’s also never a surprise $1,000 copay. We’re also different from med spas, which don’t offer ongoing care.”

MD Exam doctors work closely with patients to ensure they qualify for the medication and ascertain the right kind, as well as the optimal dosage. “You won’t be on these peptides for the rest of your life — only for as long as it makes sense for you,” Padron says.

But according to Padron, there’s no magic pill that can slim your waistline while still leading an unhealthy lifestyle. “The most important thing is for people to get on a program and change their everyday decisions to become healthier,” he says. “That starts with drinking tons of water, getting out of bed earlier every day, and walking 15 to 20 minutes to get their blood and mind moving. It takes time and effort. It will not happen overnight. But the results are long-lasting. With our program, people who are serious about changing their lives for good give themselves the best shot of actually doing so.”

Become happier, more confident

“If you’ve tried everything, but nothing works, then consider trying MD Exam,” Padron says. “We’ll see if you qualify for Semaglutide, which works on more than seven out of 10 individuals. If Semaglutide doesn’t change your weight loss in the first 12 weeks, our physicians will recommend moving you over to Tirzepatide, which leads to weight loss for almost nine out of every 10 patients.”

The benefits of losing weight with MD Exam are many. In addition to decreasing their physical health risks, patients also recover their mental health. “It’s simple,” Padron says. “When you lose weight, the excitement is second to none.” To date, thousands of people have lost weight successfully with MD Exam and kept it off for good. “There’s no better feeling than helping people become happier and more confident,” Padron says.


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