Chase Pittman, better known as Ashton Chase, is a rising young prodigy from Jacksonville, Florida who is aiming to make an impact in the music world. Ashton Chase is putting his all into his career and refusing to give up until he reaches the heights he is chasing. Realizing his desire for creative expression and being a part of something much greater than himself drives him to this day and keeps him going through the hard times. He recently dropped a new track titled “Nachos” as he continues on his endeavors, and you should check it out.
“Nachos” begins with a quiet, intriguing sample that rapidly rises in intensity until Ashton Chase takes over the beat. He raps about individuals in his life who have shown him phony affection, but he observes that they are no longer relevant in his life. He has far too much on the line to amuse people who don’t genuinely believe in him, as he makes clear throughout the song. With this one, Ashton makes a statement and shows that as his career progresses, he is moving in a new direction with who he keeps around.
“Nachos” is a must-add for everyone’s playlist and is a true testament to the pure talent that Ashton Chase possesses. He is excited to continue to show the world what he’s got and reassures that he has plenty more on the way. Be sure to keep your eyes peeled for any future releases as this is one artist you won’t want to miss out on.
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Stream Ashton Chases “Nachos” on Spotify: