Broots™ Jewelry: A Master Goldsmith’s Fusion of Classic Luxury and Edgy Aesthetics

Jewelry, in its shimmering elegance, isn’t meant to merely complement a person’s outfit. It should roar and echo the soul’s song without a single word. Be it an engagement ring or a graduation gift, every customer wants to reflect their personality and uniqueness in these precious metals and gemstones. However, unearthing the perfect treasure in a world full of mass-produced accessories isn’t all that easy. That’s why custom jewelers like Phil Simson of Broots™ Jewelry are in so much demand.

A naturally artistic jeweler, Phil is a master at crafting exquisite jewelry pieces that blend classic luxury with an edgy allure that is nothing short of captivating. His brand is all-encompassing, catering to every customer’s needs and demands adequately. From the dark charm of skull rings to the dazzling elegance of diamond pendants, each piece reflects Phil’s signature style – a masterful fusion of high-end luxury and daring aesthetics.

“My designs are typically enjoyed by the more alternative kinds of people,” he explains. “Think rockers, goths, metalheads.” However, Phil doesn’t neglect his other side – the classically trained Master Goldsmith. “I also make many high-end luxury pieces, but often with a Brootal twist,” he adds. “Technically, anyone can wear a Broots piece!” he enthuses, highlighting the wide-ranging appeal that his jewelry holds.

For Phil, designing beautiful pieces for all customers fulfills childhood dreams and passions. Growing up, he had an insatiable curiosity for fire, metals, and stones that culminated in a lifelong pursuit. Phil vividly recalls the day he unwrapped a rock tumbler for his sixth birthday, igniting a passion that would never blaze out. “I used it so much that it started to drive my parents crazy,” he reminisces about the journey that began in his very own garage. “Being naturally artistic as I am, I’ve just kind of always been into this.”

Phil’s journey took a professional turn in 2006 when he delved into the custom jewelry industry. After extensive training under many master jewelers, he finally took the leap in 2017. He officially launched Broots™ Jewelry, showcasing his skills as a Master Goldsmith and Master Jeweler. Although the design side of things was easy, the business part was a challenge in the beginning, but that didn’t dim his enthusiasm. He immersed himself in the digital world and honed his skills, enabling him to successfully venture into the uncharted waters of website building, social media management, and online store operation.

Thanks to Phil’s indomitable spirit, the Broots™ brand is now synonymous with striking jewelry and a remarkable online presence. His artistry has earned him recognition and clients ranging from the unconventional to notable celebrities and influencers. His eccentric designs have also garnered attention from many quarters, both for their uniqueness and innovation. “My heart pendant is made from my actual heart,” Phil reveals. “I asked one of my doctors if I could get a scan of my heart, then I took that scan, turned it into a 3D model, and created the pendant from that model.” It’s this kind of imagination and dedication that sets Broots™ Jewelry apart.

As the brand grows, Phil’s aspirations are just as grand as his creations. “I would love to see Broots become as well known as, say, Cartier or Tiffany’s,” he muses. His desire is to bring a bit more of the defiant “Brootal” side to the luxury jewelry scene, cementing his legacy as one of the most outstanding jewelers of his time.


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