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CaliPost Interview With Buni Milani

Hi Buni Milani! How are you?

Hello, I’m doing great. Life is great and everything is moving to higher levels.

Where are you from?

I’m from Jersey City, NJ. Wegman and Ocean to be exact.

How did you get into music?

I got into music naturally. I have always loved listening to music and singing along. I decided I wanted to sound as good as the singers on my favorite songs, so I made it a goal. Then, around age 11, I started learning how to write music by reading the lyrics of the songs that were in the cd booklet. That same year, I won the crown in a beauty pageant with singing as my talent. I also won poise and appearance.

What is your greatest achievement as a musician/producer?

My greatest achievement as a musician has to be what I’m currently working on. My creation of The ‘JUICY’ Collection and The ‘JUICY’ Experience has helped me to couple my life and my art in the most beautiful, natural way.

What are 3 words that describe your style?

Original, Organic, and Opulent describe my style perfectly.

What do you want people to take away after listening to your sound?

I want people to feel a sense of hotness, and joy. Too many people forget that life is supposed to be lived to the fullest. My music will remind them.

Who inspires you the most musically?

I inspire myself. I don’t look outside of myself to create because that’s not authentic, and I don’t need to do it. I know that I inspire many people though.

Who is one artist you wish you could work with?

I don’t wish to work with any artist to be honest. I’m a solo act.

Tell us about any new music you have coming out? When is it coming out? What is it about?

My latest full album/book, titled ‘JUICY’ will be released early next year. This is one of the most amazing body’s of work I have ever created and I’m really looking forward to its hard release. The project is about a passionate love affair I had with a wealthy man and my thoughts and feelings throughout the relationship.

Anything else you want the audience to know about you?

I would like the audience to know that everything I do will be done to the fullest.

Be sure to keep up with Buni Milani and check out her work below!



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