“Giving meaning to a child’s imagination”, says a critique about artist Bolli Blas

Wide-eyed figures referred to as “Bollis” that appear in Polish artist Bolli Blas’ works serve as her distinctive artistic hallmark. These Bollis stand for the message of peace, equality, and love that Bolli Blas promotes on a global scale. 

Let us chat with her about her art process and upcoming exhibitions.

1. Hi Bolli, thank you for joining us today. So our readers would like to know how Bollis was born?

I was always fond of painting and my parents even supported that. But my earlier art pieces were mostly influenced by traditional art forms. I always wanted to do something unique. I wanted to create art that represented all the people.  Something with a message of happiness and equality.

Fortunately, on one of my trips to Africa, I was inspired by the delightful people I  met there. And I channeled all that in Bollis.

2. What is so unique about the eyes in your paintings?

I believe that everything aesthetically pleasing is experienced through the eyes.  The pupils can enlarge or shrink to the size of a pinhead. They appear to be soaking up every last aspect of their surroundings while they are dilated. 

Similar to black holes, they exert an unavoidable gravitational pull on everything in their orbit. Black is also used to make the other colors appear brighter. I enjoy working with bright colors, and I hope the wide-eyed Bollis will bring out other details and colors in the image.

3. Can you tell us about your art fairs and exhibitions?

Yeah, sure! My first show of 2021 was at the Nice Art Expo in early April. Then I  relocated to Venice for the ExpoArte 2022 exhibition. This summer, my work will also be on show at the Van Der Plan New York gallery. 

The solo art expo will take place in New York on 30 October 2022 and in Edinburg on 31 October 2022.

The upcoming exhibition in Edinburgh, U.K. will be between Oct 25-31. It will be based in Dundas Street Gallery in the new town part of the city center. I will be

exhibiting some of my traditional big-eyed art as well as several different pieces of mine that I recently created. There will be wine and music throughout the exhibition as I aim at a chilled atmosphere of the event.

Lately, I’ve exhibited my artwork in New York, London, and Paris. I find New York to be a progressive city, which is why I love it so much. As an artist, I think New York is a great place to exhibit. 

However, I am now focusing on expanding my work into smaller and lesser-known towns and countries. 

4. Would you like to tell us about your online art gallery ArtsyNFT and how you decided to start it?

So when the pandemic happened, among the first places to close their doors were the art galleries. The lack of a means of selling their paintings hindered artists like me who relied on these venues to display their work. That’s when I decided to start an online art gallery to show my work.

Customers can purchase copies of the artist’s work online, thanks to the usage of non-fungible tokens (NFTs). No matter who buys the painting, other individuals can view and download it. However, the owner has bragging rights and a means of proving that they are the owner. 

Miss Liberty, a piece of my art, was just placed up for auction and closed at  $12,882.78, but this is just the beginning of my online art sales.  For me, the buzz has been incredible. I’ve been able to continue creating art throughout the pandemic, and I wish to do so for a very long time.


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