North Hollywood, CA – An extraordinary comedy event, organized by Young Gods and Noho Recovery, recently lit up the ELU banquet hall in North Hollywood. Spearheaded by Brandon O’Connell of Young Gods and Narek Oganyan of Noho Recovery, the event featured a lineup of comedians including Jamie Kennedy, Jason Rogers, Seth D, and David Williams. This show was not just about entertainment; it aimed to promote fun in a sober environment, fostering a connection between recovery and mental health.
The event marked a significant effort by Young Gods and Noho Recovery to create a space where laughter and sobriety coexist, emphasizing the importance of mental well-being. The success of this event, part of a series of such initiatives, points to a growing trend of integrating entertainment with social awareness. As we look towards 2024, the community eagerly anticipates more of these impactful collaborations from Brandon O’Connell, Narek Oganyan, and their teams.