Kiwiuh Sheds Light on Building a Career as a Musician


A lot of work happens behind the scenes in every successful person’s life. For instance, even if you are the most passionate, talented, and disciplined person in your industry, you can and probably will still fail. That means you might shed a few tears and sweat a lot before you finally breakthrough. However, with a great support system and positive spirit, you can scale any mountain and establish yourself as a GOAT. Although he is still working his way up, sensational up-and-coming musician Kiwiuh knows a thing or two about that.

Kiwiuh proved he didn’t come to play soon after joining the music industry. Despite being a total unknown in a competitive industry, it didn’t take Kiwiuh long to make a name for himself. From the beginning, he showed his ambition through his willingness to seize every opportunity he got to work with other established artists. Before long, he had gained lots of exposure from different productions he was involved in. Kiwiuh appeared in several music videos alongside artists like Priceless Da Roc, Heaven Marina, and Myles Parrish.

Last year, Kiwiuh took his career further when he released his debut EP KiwisCove Vol 1. The album contains tracks like “Backpack,” “Grammy,” and “Cove.” Each single has a distinct and riveting beat that whets your appetite and leaves you with good vibes. Kiwiuh’s music is in its own league that no one has been to before. According to the artist, he doesn’t intend to slow down soon. In fact, he recently released his second EP, KiwisCove Vol 2. The album is available on major music streaming platforms like Spotify and Apple Music.

In addition to that, Kiwiuh has a growing and loyal fan base on social media. A funny person by nature, Kiwiuh creates and posts relatable and entertaining content. In fact, he is a social media sensation in his own right, with millions of views on his channels. In 2021, some of his Twitter content amassed over 12M impressions within 2 weeks. That impressive feat earned the artist a coveted feature on Yahoo news. The number of followers then spilled over onto his other platforms like TikTok, where he boasts an audience of 61K+.

Impressive as his achievements are, Kiwiuh knows anything is possible in the music industry. Therefore, he is intentional about building rather than pulling down bridges in every area of his life. Because his success is a product of many people’s input, Kiwiuh ensures he gives back to his loved ones and community. Additionally, he plans ahead because, as he says, “Without a plan, you plan to fail, so always have a blueprint ready.”

In the next few years, Kiwiuh wants to further expand his artistry in the music industry. A few months ago, he launched his high-quality merch line, which he says is just one project in his pipeline of masterpieces. Kiwiuh promises he will unveil more products over the coming months. For this determined and talented artist, music is not just a hobby. It is also his legacy, and he intends to do it justice. His fans can watch out for more awesome songs, content, and collaborations on his social platforms.


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