Any good thing starts with a good idea. Acting on the concept and bringing it to fruition requires much courage and faith in oneself. Carole Feuerman and Richie Nuzz turned their dream of opening a record-breaking studio into a reality. 1Moore Studios is centrally situated in Brooklyn, New York, and fosters what it takes to be the ideal environment for artists of all types. 1Moore Studios features a podcast studio, a music studio, and a video and photo loft.

Carole Feuerman is an internationally known hyperrealist sculptor. Admirers refer to her as the “Doyenne of Super-Realism,” owing to the fact that she built a good reputation for herself in the industry over years of hard work.
She stayed strong and grew to fame as a successful and well-respected female artist working in a predominantly male industry. Many of her sculptures are popular worldwide after attracting the interest of influential personalities and museums all around the world.

Carole has been working with Richie Nuzz, an artist himself, to help construct the studio. When it comes to it, Richie is Carole’s right hand.

Nuzz has an extensive background in the music industry, as he lives and creates music that reaches millions of fans worldwide in New York, Los Angeles, and Atlanta. As a result, Richie’s love for music made such a project easy for him. Not to mention, Richie is also the founder and CEO of an app called The app is an sms based software that allows artists all around the country to directly connect and build 1 on 1 relationships with their fans.
Combining their skillsets has paid dividends for this tag-team. Their hard work and determination have led 1Moore Studios to become a multi-purpose venue where artists and brands can satisfy their artistic needs.
Follow 1Moore Studios on Instagram here.
Visit 1Moore Studios Website here.
Check out Richie Nuzz on Spotify here.