Paul Perges: The Fast Rising Star in The Music Industry

Our editorial team has impressed us by discovering many talented artists in our day-to-day routine. Artists who are deserving of fame often remain unnoticed due to a lack of promotion and platform. But we scour every corner of the world in search of passionate, talented, Fantastic artists whose sole purpose is to create music with meaning that uplifts the mood of our audience.

Creating music must have the three essential factors that are a catchy beat, meaningful songwriting, and a message. We have one such artist that keeps these things in mind and he is known by the name “Paul Perges”. A young talent from Fredericksburg, Virginia.

The three words that describe his music are Meaningful, relatable, and emotional.

Paul Perges has worked with many artists but his greatest achievement was the collaboration with Sean Love and Aqua Raps. Besides, performing at local shows has been among his most memorable moments.

His main goal is to bring the summer pop music of the 2000s back to life so that this summer will be nostalgic and groovy.

He wants the listener to hear every word in his songs and connect with the emotions and the message that he tries to convey. He wants his fans to be present at the moment.

He is a small artist with a big dream. He has been striving, spending sleepless nights at the studio with the hope that he and his music would create buzz all over the musical world.

Listen now on Spotify:


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