Growing up in Fort Myers, Florida, Sol Mays aka Soulja South, always dreamed of becoming a world renown artist. He got his inspiration to start creating music from the artist he would watch every morning on BET, mainly Lil Wayne and T.I. At an early age, he began cultivating his skills with a pen and paper by writing his own lyrics to popular instrumentals at the time. These early years have helped Soulja South mold himself into one of the best lyricists of this generation. Soulja South has the unique ability to form a distinctive picture in the mind of the listener. The way he is able to tell a clear story through different rhyming techniques over any beat is something we have not seen from any young artist before.
Soulja South has a diverse catalog of music which has earned him some tremendous accomplishments already in his career. Soulja South has been featured on billboards across New York City on two separate occasions, as well as in the Rap Aechelon Magazine. Soulja South focuses on creating inspiring music that motivates his listeners to go out and take massive action in order to improve your life. He intends for all of his fans to “take away being more successful, wanting to grind for more success” when listening to his music.
Soulja South has set up 2022 to be his biggest year yet. He has been diligently collaborating with his producers Steve Woodz, Y.K.O, and Star Sound Studio in order to release a plethora of new music throughout the year. The two singles everyone should be on the lookout for are “Hennessy” and “Going for It.” These two new singles will separate Soulja South from the rest of his competition once and for all. You can check out Soulja South’s previous body of work on Spotify, and stay connected with him through his Instagram.