Transitioning from Direct Sales to Accomplished Trading Specialist: The Michael Jenkins Story

Michael Jenkins, the pioneering spirit behind the FreeLife101 Investment Group, is a testament to the reality that the right mentality, commitment, and effort can culminate in success. Prior to his accomplishment as an esteemed Forex trader and teacher, Jenkins was engaged in direct sales of home security systems for a dozen years. His ambition to secure an uncapped income that wasn’t contingent on a customer’s spending led him to the world of Forex trading.

He recounts his initiation into Forex through a multilevel marketing enterprise with a stronger focus on recruitment than educating its members. Seeking greater knowledge, Jenkins enlisted the help of a mentor who unveiled the intricacies of Forex trading, helped simplify the procedure, and together they designed a comprehensive program that expedited the learning and profiting process.

Currently, FreeLife101, Jenkins’s venture, is known for its unique and effective strategy of demystifying Forex trading, making it comprehensible even to a novice. The firm equips parents with the tools to trade Forex, which could potentially replace their regular jobs and pass on this knowledge to their children, thereby creating wealth for future generations.

For Jenkins, a significant aspect of his work is witnessing people break free from jobs they loathe and live the free life they truly deserve. He proudly shares that over 300 of his students have retired, with one reaching millionaire status, and he has received his inaugural 2 comma club accolade from Click Funnels, for generating a million dollars through his coaching enterprise.

Jenkins overcame a myriad of obstacles including a tough upbringing, academic struggles, and dropping out of college. However, he nurtured a mindset of infinite possibilities, which he considers key to entrepreneurial success. His personal mantra is that one must enhance their mental capacity, attract what they think about, and be passionate about their enterprise.

Jenkins’ journey serves as a beacon of hope for those who aspire to attain financial independence and generational wealth. His ultimate vision involves establishing success camps globally, which would offer free lodging schools for the homeless to detox, reorient their thinking with personal development programs, get fit, and learn a trade from certified professionals, while abstaining from substance abuse.

To gain insights about Jenkins and his firm, visit and register for his complimentary Forex Fortunes Course, and apply for mentorship. Seats are filling up quickly as the academy consistently runs at a high 90% occupancy rate. Stay connected with Michael Jenkins by following him on Instagram.


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