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8 Simple Steps to Creating an Eco-Friendly Home

Do you want to create a more eco friendly home?

You love nature, but you may need help determining where to start to turn your house into a more sustainable environment. Where do you start when you’re cleaning and cooking, and how do you ensure all your choices have less impact?

Creating an eco-friendly home is easier than you think and only takes a few steps. Start by sorting and decluttering. Then, focus on sustainable and organic choices.

Begin with what’s easiest for you and in the area where you’ll be spending the most time. With these simple steps, you’ll be on your way to having a new space for you and your family.

Eco-friendly outdoor furniture is typically made from sustainable, renewable resources such as bamboo, teak, reclaimed wood, or recycled plastic. In order to extend the lifespan of eco-friendly outdoor furniture and protect it from various weather conditions, investing in patio covers is essential. A patio cover acts as a shield, safeguarding the furniture from rain, sun exposure, and other outdoor elements. By adding a patio cover, you can enjoy your furniture for longer periods, reducing the need for constant replacements and thereby decreasing your environmental footprint.

1. Conserve Energy

Conserving energy is an essential step in creating an eco-friendly home. Look for appliances with the Energy Star label. Energy-efficient appliances can save money on your energy bill and reduce your environmental footprint.

Make it a habit to turn off lights, computers, and other electronics when you leave a room. You can also use power strips to turn off multiple devices at once quickly.

2. Reduce Water Usage

Reducing water usage is another crucial step in creating an eco-friendly home. Leaks can waste a significant amount of water over time. It’s essential to fix any leaks as soon as possible.

Install low-flow showerheads and faucets to reduce water usage without sacrificing performance. You can also consider a low-flow toilet to save even more water. Rain barrels are a great way to conserve water and help reduce water waste as they capture rainwater and allow you to use it to water your lawn and garden.

This water can also be reused for laundry and other household chores. To install a rain barrel, choose an area outside your home where rainwater can efficiently drain.

3. Use Sustainable Materials

Bamboo is both a renewable and renewable resource, making it perfect for furniture, flooring, and home decorations. Cork is often used for insulation, flooring, and wall panels for a softer feel and to dampen sound transmission. Home recycling can be used for:

  • flooring
  • countertops
  • cabinets
  • other home fixtures

Ensuring product origin, research certifications, and reviewing safety standards are essential when selecting sustainable materials. Finding the right combination of sustainable materials to fit your needs requires research and educated decisions. 

4. Use Natural Cleaning Products

Natural products can range from making your cleaning solutions to buying products specifically labeled natural. Everything from dishwasher detergent to bathroom cleaning products can be made with raw materials like baking soda, white vinegar, lemon, and lavender.

Natural cleaners are better for the environment and often cost less. Switching to natural products is an easy and budget-friendly way to reduce your environmental footprint by reducing the number of chemicals released into the air and water.

Natural cleaners are also often better for your health, as the chemicals found in traditional cleaning products can be hazardous. Finally, natural cleaners can smell fantastic and make your home a pleasant place to be. 

5. Compost

Composting is a great way to create an eco-friendly home. Doing so only requires a little time or effort, but it helps reduce waste and improve soil health.

It starts with collecting organic materials such as food scraps, coffee grounds, and other plant materials. These items are placed into a compost bin or heap and allowed to decompose.

You may occasionally add a small amount of soil to mix some beneficial bacteria and fungi. Compost can be incorporated into the ground or used in other garden projects.

Adding compost to the soil helps to improve soil structure, water retention, and nutrient cycling. Home composting is the greenest option and helps to reduce your environmental impact.

6. Reduce Waste

A few ways to reduce waste include purchasing reusable grocery bags, microfiber dishwashing cloths, water bottles, and mugs. In the kitchen, using reusable wax wrap is a great way to avoid using plastic wrap.

An easy way to reduce food waste is to shop at local farmers’ markets, buy produce from grocery stores in bulk, and shop in a zero-waste store. Plan meals to reduce food waste and compost food waste for future use in gardens.

Additionally, ensure your appliances are energy efficient by setting your refrigerator to the correct temperature and unplugging appliances and electronics when not in use. Finally, look for recycled paper, plastic containers, etc., made from recycled materials. 

7. Use Natural Lighting

Natural lighting is an easy and effective way to embrace eco-friendly home practices. When adding interior lighting, look for the brightest and most efficient lightbulb possible.

Home solar panels and skylights are an excellent way to utilize sunlight for brightness during the day. Open the curtains and blinds regularly to capture the natural light.

Placing furniture near windows, like a desk or a sofa, can create a sense of warmth and brightness throughout the room. Even something as simple as replacing dark colors with lighter colors can brighten the room using the natural light from the windows. 

Consider adding solar panels, one of the most economical and environmentally-friendly energy sources available. Working with a top solar company here ensures that you’ll get the best possible solar panels, installation, and maintenance.

8. Create a Green Space

To do this, begin by clearing out a corner of your yard – if available – and filling it with as many native plants as possible. Next, choose materials for hardscaping, such as stone, gravel, mulch, or wood chips, that are easy to replenish should visitors wish to do so.

Finally, consider adding a bird feeder and birdbath to the green space to provide a space for the local wildlife to enjoy. Doing so will help create a living environment that helps conserve energy and water and protects local natural environments. 

Create an Eco Friendly Home Now

Creating an eco friendly home is achievable in a few simple steps. Start by reducing your home’s energy and water consumption, then invest in sustainable and recyclable materials.

Finally, educate yourself on the importance of green cleaning supplies and encourage your family to adopt a more sustainable lifestyle.

Take action today, and become an eco-friendly leader in your community!

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