Creative Visions Sets Himself Up To Spread Inspiration

Creative Visions

Entrepreneur Ray Davis, also known as Creative Visions, is no different from great names that have underdog stories. Now a businessman, a well rounded media man and an artist, getting this far hasn’t been a ‘walk in the park’ for him. This young multi-talented artist took what seemed like a leap of faith to get to where he is now. He gave up his 9-5 job and decided to work and focus on his craft since. For anyone, that is a tough decision to make, “I didn’t see it as beneficial to keep grinding for someone else”, Creative Visions shared. He further expressed that before he landed with a yes, he got a handful of no’s. Luckily, those rejections served as his stepping stones in reaching higher grounds.

This rising artist shared how “creating a vision” has become the most rewarding part of his job – hence, his name and brand Creative Visions. “Bringing people’s dreams to reality and capturing the most genuine moments in life is the best part of my job”, he added. Another thing that he wants his audience to know is that while we are here on Earth, we should leave a mark and create visions. It’s the fact that an artist’s work can be passed on from generation to generation that makes Creative Vision love his craft so much.

For Creative Visions, in order to become a successful businessman, you have to be a good leader with great compassion. Aside from being an entrepreneur, he is also into acting, film, photography, videography,clothing and directing.

According to Creative Visions, success can be measured in many ways. “I would say being family oriented is the greatest success for me”, he shared. His mother, being his greatest inspiration ,is his very definition of CREATIVE VISION.

For years, he has been seeking inspiration in his work, now he has become the inspiration. And we can’t wait to see his name in the limelight.

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