Loco Ink Discusses How Musicians Need to Remember They Are People Too

Loco Ink

Artists often have more than one talent. For Evan R Salinas, also known for his stage name Loco Ink, this includes being a musician and tattoo artist. Always strong in the visual arts, Loco Ink elected human skin as his canvas and used music to promote his tattoo career. Finding notable success in each area, Loco Ink is taking over social media and streaming services with his addictive new song “Like U” (Tere Jaisi). For aspiring musicians seeking some guidance, Loco Ink offers the following tips.

Look to Culture

“Like U” is a vibrant blend of East meets West. It is packed with traditional Indian elements such as the rhythm and stunning dancing in the music video. Loco Ink focused on just the right cultural elements to make this hit song unique and memorable at the same time. It is different in the best possible way, and different gets people’s attention. Loco Ink does caution when borrowing elements from other cultures to always do so with reverence and respect.

Make it Your Own

There is a lot of music out there. To set your sound apart, you have to make your work your own. Find a unique element or angle no one else has explored and work it into your music organically. To do this, you must be genuinely passionate about your music and utterly genuine. You cannot be afraid to get personal because that is the key to creating music that will make you stand out.

Listen to Your Fans

In addition to creating your own trademark sound and style, ask your fans what they want. Staying active on social media is a must, as is organic content. Inviting people to post comments and suggestions, Loco Ink feels, is an excellent way to develop as a musician. Ask people what they want and give it to them; it really is that simple.

Stay Humble

No matter how big you make it, never forget where you come from. And no matter how good you think you are, you must practice every day, according to Loco Ink. Remaining true to yourself and staying humble are the traits of a great musician. It will also take you further with fans and colleagues. Loco Ink points out that musicians with fans who have followed them for decades are the ones who remember they are human. This is a critical lesson to learn early in one’s career and never forget.

Respect Your Team

If you are in a band, respect your bandmates. After all, music is all about collaboration. Even if there is a personal rift, always put the music first. For solo acts, show your behind-the-scenes team this same respect. You have a manager, tech crews, and other people helping boost your career regardless of whether or not they are on stage with you. Never forget their role in your journey.

These are not just important lessons for aspiring musicians. They can be applied to nearly any industry. They also cross over from professional to personal. This is entirely appropriate as Loco Ink calls music the ultimate form of human expression. And musicians are not deities; they are just people creating music for the enjoyment of others.


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