Ruti Gomes is the modern-day Jack of all trades

Ruti Gomes

In life it is very difficult to be able to pursue each and every ambition you have. To attain true success people considered that it is important to pursue a singular path so that it is easier to focus. However, there is always an exception to the rule. This is where Ruti Gomes comes in.

Since childhood Ruti Gomes was quite interested in all things musical and found herself excited to learn about a career in the music world. In particular it was electronic pop music that appealed to her and Ruti Gomes found her talent in rap and hip hop. Yet as she grew up Ruti Gomes discovered that she had another passion to learn about the human body and how nutrition plays a huge role in it. In college the biggest dilemma she had to face was whether she should major in nutrition, music artistry or music production. All three wires computer different lines and it was definitely a difficult decision to choose any one of them.

It was after Ruti Gomes had already attained huge success as a nutritionist and fitness enthusiast that she found herself with the opportunity to pursue her other passions of music. Some might even say that this is only because she knew that her business wouldn’t flop and she would still have a stable source of income. However, Ruti Gomes argues that if she wasn’t really interested in following her passion then she would have forgotten about it long ago instead of searching for any opportunity that could help her reach her final destination.

Since Ruti Gomes’s music is meant to be played at the gym, they are mostly characterized by a fast tempo and heavy beats, along with sharp and upbeat melodies. Songs such as those mentioned before help keep the heart rate up during exercise and also make the listener motivated, which means they are created to be the perfect companion to an exerciser, whether a beginner or someone who is pursuing a much more serious level. Some of her workout hits are Dance Corporate Gym, Villain at the Gym, Fitness Gym, Energetic Retro Gym and Metal at the Academy. Try them out as a part of your daily workout mix today!

Truly Ruti Gomes’s story is one of a fighter and she is an inspiration to several dreamers all over the world. If you want to know more about Ruti Gomes’ work and lifestyle, you can simply check out her social media handle (Link down below):

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Instagram –

Don’t forget to stream Ruti’s workout hits on Spotify or SoundCloud:

SoundCloud –

Spotify –


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