$way and The Challenges Facing SoundCloud Born Rappers


$way is a Maryland born and LA based rapper who got his start in the industry like many known artists today. He began pursuing a career in music at the age of 19, after the tragic passing of his best friend. Building a career from the ground up is difficult as one may expect and $way provides a first-hand perspective on some of the obstacles he, and those like him, face. He explains, “A lot of people are scared to be themselves. People will only listen to an artist if they see someone else doing it, not if they like it on their own a lot of the time. Everyone also thinks you suck if you make music on SoundCloud, like who wants to start with no audience?” This lack of exposure drove $way to set himself apart from the crowd and he has done just that through his unique narrative style of rap. $way is currently an independent artist but has no doubt he would make an immediate impact on any label’s roster. He says, “I’d be nice on a label, then I could really do business with a team behind me.”

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