Interview With Alexander Ladocueur

Hi Alexander Ladocueur! How are you?

I am doing great, just waking up bout to head to the gym soon haha!

Where are you from? Have you lived there your whole life?

I am from Orlando, Florida. I lived in many states such as California, Colorado, Texas, West Virginia, Michigan, North Carolina, and I have traveled to many more!

How did you get into photography?

It was very random, I just wanted to buy a camera to just take some pictures of the events I was attending to. Never thought of anything of if it was something I wanted to do or anything of it. I always took pictures and videos from my phone, but I never took it seriously, just more a showcase of what I was doing in my life.

What is your greatest achievement an artist?

I would love to work and travel; I would love to give multiple people to work with and have stability. I never know where I’ll end up and I never try to focus on any specific path, I just try to do several things and let it lead me!

What are 3 words that describe your work and what was the best place you shot at?

Moment, Dark, Quality. I think New York City was once of the best places that I shot at, mostly because I am really liking street photography and my color edits generally fit well!

What do you want people to take away after wanting to work with you?

I am very reliable, and I don’t like to take No for an answer when it comes to budget. I want to work with anyone that wants to work with me! I don’t like to just work for money, I want people to enjoy the work that I can give them!

What equipment are you running? Did it change over time?

I started out with a Canon 80D, which I have always researched for hours and days on end before I buy anything. I was told it was a great first camera buy, which it was. But, when I started shooting a lot of low-light concerts, I noticed it was producing the results I wanted. So, I ended up buying a Sony A7iii. I have 4 lenses and I bought in order of importance – Sigma 24-70mm, Sigma 14-24mm, Sigma 105mm, Sony 24mm.

Who is one artist you wish you could work with?

I would love to do some work with Peter McKinnon, he was practically what inspired me to learn about cameras and equipment as well as the fundamental environment as an artist.

Tell us about your company, ALXLA Photography?

I do a lot of work-related festivals and in the music scene, but I brand my company as lifestyle since I like to showcase a lot of my work as in “I will shoot anything”. ALXLA is my initials which kind of has a unique look to it.

Where can people find you and your work?

I am from Orlando, FL but I also do travel to states from time to time! More of my stuff is on my website at as well as my Instagram at


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