Karen Bassily Inspires Others Through Modeling

Karen Bassily, a model from Egypt, continues to inspire young people with her successful career journey. Upon meeting Karen, what immediately stands out is her upbeat energy and positive attitude. Her self-confidence meets you before you meet her, and Bassily exclaims that is the secret juice that has taken her far in her modeling and acting career. For the last 5 years, she’s hit the ground running and got in front of every camera possible, working with many photographers. After laser-focused willpower and commitment, she can now celebrate herself as a published model in many magazines and a lead role in an Arabic music video.
Not only is her career inspirational, but her personal story is one of grit and self-empowerment. She leads the way for young entrepreneurs everywhere to wholeheartedly know that your dream is possible, wherever you wish to make it happen. She moved to the United States, not knowing English, and now proudly speaks three additional languages. This entrepreneur turned boss creates her own rates and continues to reach higher and higher.


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