Sunday, April 28, 2024

President Biden Condemns Retaliatory Violence against Palestinians In The West Bank, Calls For A Two-State Solution

President Joe Biden, on Wednesday, expressed strong condemnation for the retaliatory attacks carried out by Israeli settlers against Palestinians in the West Bank, following the Oct. 7 attacks by Hamas on Israel. He also reaffirmed his commitment to working towards a two-state solution to resolve the longstanding Israel-Palestinian conflict.

Biden characterized these attacks by “extremist settlers” as exacerbating the already volatile situation in the Middle East since the Hamas attack. He emphasized the need for immediate cessation, accountability, and resolution.

In the aftermath of the Hamas attack, violence initiated by Israeli settlers against Palestinians has escalated, leading to casualties among Palestinians and incidents such as the torching of vehicles and attacks on Bedouin communities. The West Bank Protection Consortium, a coalition of non-governmental organizations and donor countries, including the European Union, reported hundreds of Palestinians being forcibly displaced due to settler violence since October 7, in addition to over 1,100 displaced since 2022.

Violence has surged in the West Bank as the Israeli military pursues Palestinian militants in response to the Hamas attack from Gaza, posing the risk of opening another front in the ongoing conflict. This situation also puts pressure on the internationally recognized Palestinian Authority, which administers parts of the West Bank and faces challenges related to its cooperation with Israel on security matters.

Biden reiterated his condemnation of the Hamas attack that claimed the lives of 1,400 Israelis, and he suggested that part of Hamas’s motivation was to undermine U.S.-led efforts to normalize Israeli relations with some of its Arab neighbors, including Saudi Arabia.

The President stressed the need for Israeli and Palestinian cooperation, along with their partners, to work towards a two-state solution. He emphasized that both Israelis and Palestinians deserve to coexist in safety, dignity, and peace, and that, in his view, a two-state solution is the way forward.

Regarding the Gaza conflict, where the Hamas-run Health Ministry reported over 6,500 Palestinian casualties in retaliatory strikes, Biden expressed doubts about the accuracy of the death count but underscored the importance of Israel taking precautions to minimize civilian casualties in its response.

Biden clarified that he had not directly demanded assurances from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu concerning the postponement of a potential ground invasion into Gaza until hostages are released. He indicated that it’s Israel’s decision but suggested that if it’s feasible to ensure the safe release of hostages, it should be pursued.

Approximately 10 Americans are still unaccounted for amid the Israel-Hamas conflict, according to the White House.

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