Simone Luca Sestito’s career has taken off with his new track “Sea Through”

Simone Luca Sestito

“Sea Through” has broken streaming records since its release. The song has been credited with Simone Luca Sestito’s popularity. As a result, one can’t help but admire his genius.

Simone’s most recent EP has four tracks. All four tunes elicit strong emotional responses from the listener. Given the fascinating tune, it’s no surprise that you’ll want to listen to each song again and over again. And if you listen to an artist’s songs again and over, you’ll be able to tell if they’re good.

Simone’s greatest strength is his ability to blend a wide range of sounds into a lovely song. This harmony may be heard in his new song “Sea Through.” Everything is arranged in such a way that your mind is set at peace.

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Check out “Sea Through” on Spotify:


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