From The Streets to The Stage: The Inspiring Journey of LaPonne Burton

On the streets, a world unfolds that many of us never see. Homeless individuals and families navigate through a number of challenges in order to ensure survival, battling hunger, illness, and exposure to drugs and crime. They seek out shelter where they can find it, that is why we often see people huddled under bridges, in makeshift tents, or on park benches. Their days are spent searching for food and water, scouring for coins to buy a cup of coffee or a slice of bread. The constant struggle for basic necessities can wear away at the soul, leaving many feeling lost, alone, and forgotten by the world around them.

But even amid the harsh realities of homelessness, there are glimmers of hope and resilience, and one such beacon of hope was LaPonne Burton. LaPonne Burton’s life story is one of remarkable resilience and redemption. Born into the rough and tumble streets of San Francisco’s Western Addition, better known as “Fillmoe,” he faced a childhood filled with turbulence and trauma. After being forced to flee his home at a young age, he found himself living on the streets, caught up in the violence of gang life.

Through struggles and difficulties LaPonne’s spirit remained unbroken. He was determined to break free from the cycle of violence and make a better life for himself. With a steely resolve, he pursued his education, earning his high school diploma and even attending a step-to-college program to make up for lost credits.

It was during this program that LaPonne had a transformative experience. A Black Studies course opened his eyes to the richness of his cultural heritage and the importance of preserving it. He began to see how his actions were harming his community and made a conscious effort to scale back on his drug distribution activities.

LaPonne had a passion for music from a young age and was inspired by the movie Krush Groove to contribute to hip-hop. He became a beatboxer named Jam Master “Day” and formed a group with his middle school friends Coolcat and Mitch, later replaced by Mario, based on Run-DMC and Jam Master “Jay.” He even appeared on the local San Francisco Network show, Home Turf, hosted by Dominique DiPrima, where he discussed community issues with X-Clan, the conscious musical group.

Despite his efforts to turn his life around, danger was always lurking. One night, while dealing drugs, LaPonne found himself in a life-or-death situation. A dopephine threatened to kill him over a petty dispute, but a friend named Jay Stone stepped in and saved his life. Still, LaPonne’s experienced left him paranoid and anxious, but he found solace when he heard a voice from Yahweh, urging him to make a journey to Atlanta. A few days later, as he has said, his “ghetto angel,” Regina Davenport, offered him an opportunity to start a new in Atlanta. LaPonne saw this as a sign that he was on the right path, and with his heart full of hope and his mind set on a brighter future, he packed his bags and headed south.

But Atlanta came with its own set of problems as finding employment proved to be a challenging feat for LaPonne, and he found himself struggling to make ends meet. However, his fortunes began to shift when he began volunteering and consulting behind the scenes on various celebrity projects.

It was A/R Coordinator Regina Davenport, a significant resource in the music industry, who recognized LaPonne’s talents and asked for his feedback and evaluation on certain projects. Regina worked for some of the most iconic recording labels, from LaFace Records to Stankonia and Purple Ribbon Entertainment. Her trust in LaPonne’s abilities opened doors for him that he never thought possible.

As he worked tirelessly behind the scenes, LaPonne began to carve out a name for himself in the industry. He collaborated with the technical sound designer, multimedia director, and founder of Travsonic Studios, Aaron Reppert, while serving as CEO of F.U.E.N.T.S; a full-service music licensing and talent management agency which was also later represented in the 50th Anniversary Grammy Awards.

In addition to his impressive list of accomplishments, he has also excelled in various other fields. He has composed music for numerous television shows and commercials, appeared as a co-star in several television programs, and hosted live concerts, events, and seminars. One notable example is the Toronto International Music Summit in 2012. Presently, LaPonne is a highly successful entertainment executive, responsible for producing innovative projects such as “Troublesome the Untold Story,” “Overcoming the Storms,” and “Bayville Cartoon Animation.”

They say when life gives you lemons, make lemonade out of it. But LaPonne had less than a lemon to start out with, yet through his sheer tenacity- he managed to climb to the top. Undoubtedly, his unwavering tenacity and unbreakable spirit helped him pass his tough times and through his work as a motivational speaker, life coach, and youth advocate, LaPonne has made it his life’s mission to empower others and help them realize their true potential. All this combined with his music compositions gracing the screens of TV, commercials, award shows, and more, he has cemented his legacy as a creative force to be reckoned with.


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